Get To Know The 12 Interesting Orange Cat Breeds

Orange cat breeds -image from pixabay by Alexas_Fotos
The orange color is the easiest color for people to recognize on an orange cat. It has become associated with being a special breed of cat, which isn’t true. However, if you are searching for an orange cat, there are some interesting breeds that come in orange.

1 – American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is known as the ‘working’ man’s cat because it is more practical and easy-going than other show cats. This breed typically lives for about 15 years and makes a great family pet. The orange color was also known as ‘King’s Yellow’ in Medieval times when orange cats were typically pets for Kings and Queens. It is believed that cats became associated with royalty which resulted in them being commonly known as ‘Royal Cats’. It is not really known why orange cats were favored by royalty, but it may be because orange cats had a calm nature and made good companions.

2 – Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau is a spotted cat with tabby markings and an elegant, muscular body. It wasn’t developed until the 1950s in England. This orange cat breed can be found in short or long hair lengths and needs to be taken to the vet every year for a check-up.

3 – Ocicat

The Ocicat is one of the most unique-looking orange cat breeds. It looks like a wildcat and has spots like leopard — orange dots on an ivory background. Ocicat loves everyone so it makes for a very social kitty! It also happens to be allergenic and doesn’t cause many reactions for those with allergies.

4 – Colorpoint Shorthair

Colorpoint Shorthair is a breed that features orange or cream-colored point coloration on a slate-gray body. This orange cat breed originated from Siamese cats and has been recognized by CFA since 1964. The claws on this cute kitty are non-retractable, so it will need to be taken to the vet every month for nail trims.
orange cat breeds-image from pixabay by Navigirl
orange cat breeds-image from pixabay by Navigirl

5 – American Wirehair

American Wirehairs are born with soft orange fur but as they age, their fur becomes wire-like, which gives them their name. They also typically don’t meow much because they have an underbite, which causes them to make other noises such as growls and chirps.

6 – Korat

Korat is a natural breed from Thailand and has orange fur with black tips on its hair. They love to play, be around people, and make other cat friends which makes them great apartment cats! They are very affectionate which makes for an entertaining orange cat breed! The orange color of the Korats points was believed to originate from Siamese cats.

7 – American Bobtail

American Bobtails are one of the most interesting orange cat breeds. They are born without tails or stubs where their tails should end. Their hind legs are shorter than their front legs which makes them walk low to the ground but gives them excellent stability when jumping. The orange cat breed has been recognized as a natural breed since the 1960s.

8 – Turkish Angora

Turkish Angoras have been one of the most popular orange cat breeds because they are calm and nice to be around! Their fur is thick, luxurious, and soft, which makes them unique orange cat breeds. They can be found in long or short hair lengths.

9 – Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is an ancient natural breed that originated from Japan where it was known as ‘botaru’ (meaning bob tail) centuries ago. It is not really known how long they have existed, but it does resemble another orange cat breed called American Bobtails that has short legs and a short tail. The Japanese Bobtail was recognized as a natural breed in 1993 by TICA.

10 – Ojos Azules

Ojos Azules is Spanish for ‘blue eyes’ which makes them orange cat breeds with blue eyes! The term Ojos Azules is also the name of the gene that produces this unique fur coloration. When it comes to temperament, they are very affectionate but sometimes shy around strangers.

11 – Peterbald

Peterbald originated from St Petersburg, Russia where it was crossed with Oriental Shorthair cats and Sphynx cats. This orange cat breed does not only look like an Egyptian Mau. It has tabby markings all over its body, but it also has hair that is almost transparent.
orange cta breeds-image from pixababy by athree23
orange cta breeds-image from pixabay by athree23

12 – Havana Brown

Havana Browns are orange cat breeds with dark brown markings. It is believed to have originated in the 18th century when cats, known as ‘Turkish Angoras’ started being exported from Turkey to Cuba. They are great orange cat breeds for apartments because they are calm by nature and love human attention.


13 – British Shorthair

In Ancient Rome, orange cats were first documented by Pliny during 77 AD. They believed orange cats had control over the winds and spirits of the dead.

14 – Maine Coon

During the Middle Ages, orange cats were known as “Ginger” because they looked like Ginger Snaps (raisins soaked in water). It’s said that orange cats with black smudges were favored by sailors during the 17th century. This may explain why orange became associated with “sailor’s cat.” Orange cats were effective pets on long voyages at sea. Their thick coats kept them warm and dry, suggesting that orange was one of the most popular colors for cat coats during those days.

The history of orange cats

There is little evidence on when orange cats were first documented, but there are some interesting theories. One theory suggests orange cats originate from Egypt, where many ancient Egyptian artifacts contain images of orange cats. Another theory proposes that orange was seen as a lucky color during the times of the Egyptians.

How to take care of Orange cat breeds

Quality diet

Orange cats need a high-quality diet that is packed with nutrients and oils. There is an increased demand for vitamin A and carotene, which may be found in fish and poultry. It’s also important to keep in mind that orange cat breeds can’t tolerate milk or dairy products. The sun is our partner in crime. It warms you up while it keeps the cold at bay. Like human beings, cats are affected by the light and dark cycles of day and night. Orange cats may also be trained quickly because they want a lot of attention from humans.


These animals can suffer from a sensitive stomach, and should therefore be treated with caution when playing outside. Many colors of orange cat breeds exist, including the friendly personality of the orange cats. When playing outside, orange cat breeds with a stomach ulcer should always be kept under supervision.

Better Environment

Orange cat breeds are adorable and intelligent, but they may be stand-offish around strangers. Since cats desire to spend time with their owners, it’s important for you to understand your cat’s behavior. If your orange kitty is displaying unhappiness or lack of interest in playing with other cats or people.