Kitten Playing Behaviors – How To Keep Them Safe

Kitten Playing

Kitten playing are cute, but these kittens can be a handful to handle. You have to remember that they are still little and will do what they want.  

Kittens are typically very playful and curious kittens. They will explore their environment with little thought to their safety. 

This can be a problem for both them and you if they start to get into things that may be dangerous, or if they become attached to something that is a potential danger, like a string or cord. 

It is always important to keep your kitten safe. If you don’t take care of your kitten soon enough, the tiny little fluff ball can become sick. Kittens are at a high risk of developing diseases and diseases that may be fatal if they aren’t taken care of quickly. 

As with any other pet, it’s important to know what behaviours to watch out for and which ones are not okay. Here are some tips on how to keep your kitten safe throughout their life.

Kitten Playing Behaviours

When your kitten is small and still exploring their world, make sure they are supervised around your home. You want to be able to monitor their interactions with the environment, because you never know what will catch your little one’s attention. 

This is especially important when you have pets that aren’t used to small children being in the same room.

Kittens can get carried away and start chewing on things they shouldn’t, so be sure to keep a close eye out for signs that they might be getting into something dangerous like a string or cord. 

If they’re chewing on something they shouldn’t, it’s best to take them outside and give them an appropriate chew toy or put them in a room where there isn’t anything that may be dangerous for them.

kitten playing

What To Do When Your Kitten Playing Behaviour Becomes Rough

It is important to watch for your kitten playing too rough. Kittens can get frustrated and this can lead to unwanted behaviours like biting, scratching, and pouncing. 

If your kitten starts doing these behaviours to you or someone else in the household, this is a sign that your kitten may need some extra attention. It is important to stop any unwanted behaviours. For example, if your kitten starts biting you while playing, forcefully pick up your kitten and put it down. 

This should be done in a calm manner so as not to scare the little fluff ball more than it already is. If that doesn’t work, try spraying your kitten with water or rubbing its cheeks with a towel so it will become distracted from the behaviour. If none of these methods work and you are still not getting anywhere with your kitten’s behaviour, contact a professional animal trainer or vet who specializes in cats for help.

Kitten Playing? How To Keep Them Safe

  1. Teach your kitten good behaviour and teach them about safety at a young age.
  2. Keep your kitten in the same room as you, with plenty of toys and other fun things to explore that are safe to get their attention away from things they shouldn’t be playing with.
  3. Be aware of where your kitty is at all times, even when they seem to be occupied.
  4. If they get into something they shouldn’t, like string or a cord, bring them in close and hold them so that you can show them what it is and make sure they don’t keep going after it when you take them near it again.

Kittens Playing Behaviour And Danger Signs

You’ll know that your kitten is playing when you see them jumping, chasing, and biting. This behaviour is okay for a little while but if it becomes excessive or the kitten starts to bite at your clothing and hands, then you should stop the playtime. They are also playing when they stalk their prey and make these adorable little chirps when they’re close.

If your kitten has been ignoring the litter box or stopped using it altogether, then this could be an indication that something may be wrong with them. Then if the problem persists, then take your kitten to a vet immediately.

Probably you notice any of these behaviours in your kitten, take caution before taking a closer look at them. Your kitten’s health may depend on it!

How To Keep Your Kitten Safe From Harm

It’s vital that you pay attention to your kitten’s behaviours. If you notice anything that may be abnormal, it’s important to mention it to your veterinarian. You should also monitor your kitten for any abnormalities and make sure the vet examines them if necessary.

Here are some of the things to watch out for:

  • Lethargy

This can be a sign of a serious illness or injury, so take your kitten to the vet immediately!

  • Vomiting

 Again, this is something that could indicate a serious illness or injury, so see the vet as soon as possible!

  • Diarrhoea

 Again, this is a sign of an illness or injury and could lead to dehydration. It’s important not to let diarrhoea get too severe because it may lead to death.

  • Any Injuries

Anything that is broken or doesn’t heal on its own must be taken care of by a professional ASAP!


Kittens, especially kittens under the age of 6 months, will often play rough with their siblings or other cats. This is a normal behaviour that can be corrected through socialization and training.

If your kitten starts nipping at your fingers or toes, this may be an indication that the kitten is exploring his new environment. He is trying to get a sense of what’s going on around him and figure out where he fits in. If your kitten’s nipping doesn’t cause any physical harm, you might want to reward it with some delicious food treats once it has stopped.

In order to keep your kitten safe, keep them supervised when they are playing with toys they scavenged from around the house. They may ingest materials that could potentially harm them if they’re not kept away from small pieces of plastic or paper.

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