How Can I Treat My Cat’s UTI at Home? Causes & Methods

UTI can be prevented since the way you handle your cats greatly impacts their urinary health. Therefore, we can all agree that a happy cat is the best answer for any health issue that may arise.

However, if your cat is suffering from UTI, then you don’t have to fear anything since the condition can comfortably be addressed. I can’t say much, just bring your cat with you, and we can now go through the whole guide.

how can i treat my cats uti naturally


What Are the Most Common Urinary Tract Diseases in Cats?

Suppose you usually refer to any urinary problem like an infection. In that case, you are not alone, as most cat owners can’t really tell the diseases that attack their cats’ urinary tract. However, it is important to know the common so that they won’t sound strange while engaging with your vet. They include;

  • Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

A FLUTD is a condition that affects the lower part of the urinary tract. However, it is common in middle-aged cats, over-weight cats, neutered cats, cats that don’t take exercises, and those who can’t access outside.

  • Feline Idiopathic Cystitis

Although it is grouped as FLUTD disorders, FIC is still common since it involves inflammation of the lower urinary tract. It causes painful ailments hence may require immediate attention.

  • Urinary Tract Infection

Most normally used as a general term to refer to any urinary infection, but this condition can result in other urinary problems emerging, such as bladder blockage. UTI can be fatal if treatment is delayed.


Urogenital System Introduction of Female and Male Cats

The urogenital system of female and male cats is subdivided into the genital tract and the urinary tract.

The urinary tract consists of the urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, and kidneys. All these play an important role in the production, storage, and removal of urine.

Similarly, the genital tract consists of the vagina, penis, testes, uterus, and clitoris, and they are involved in reproductive activities.

The urogenital system in female and male cats is controlled by the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic pathways. They all control different activities such as epithelial cells, exocrine glands, striated and smooth muscles.


What Are The Causes of Cat UTI?

how can i treat my cats uti at home

Identifying the cause of UTI in cats may be difficult, especially if your cat has no other existing urinary conditions. However, understanding the cause of UTI may help you in the future to prevent it from recurring, especially if the cause is from the environment your cat stays. These causes are;

  • Bacterial infections: a dirty litter box may offer a good environment for bacterial development. As a result, these bacteria may find a way into your cat’s urinary tract, hence causing an infection.
  • Injury to the urinary tract or bladder: this is a rare cause, but if your cat has an injured urinary tract, it can easily shelter the infection.
  • Crystals, stones, or any other debris in the urethra or bladder may cause inflammation in your cat’s urinary system. And as a result, the chances of infection will be high.
  • Bladder inflammation or infection: any infection that affects the bladder will eventually lead to UTI.
  • Stress: stress causes the imbalance of hormones affecting the cat’s bladder’s pH, hence causing UTI.


What Are The Symptoms of Cat UTI?

how can i treat my cats uti at home

If you have a challenge in identifying the evidence of a UTI infection in your cat, then you are not alone. Most cat owners note unhealthy toilet behavior of their cats; what comes to their minds is a UTI infection that might not be the case. If you have found yourself in such a scenario, it will help you quickly address the condition with these symptoms. Also, if you are looking into owning a cat, then this information is crucial to have. So, here are the symptoms of UTI.

  • Painful urination

Identifying whether your cat experiences pain while urinating isn’t a difficult task, as most people usually suggest. However, if you hear your cat crying out, straining, or even since then, that’s a clear indication that UTI infection is evident.

  • Urinating outside litter box

If you find your cat peeing outside the litter box despite your litter box being in good condition, you need to have an extensive observation. If you find such behavior, try to keep your litter box clean since the dirty box might scare your cat. However, if your cat behavior persists, then UTI can be the cause.

  • Licking the abdominal or genital areas

Although we are aware cats love to groom themselves, if you see excessive grooming around the genital or abdominal areas, this can be a red flag. You might be asking yourself why such behavior; if a cat is suffering from UTI, licking or grooming genital areas will be the only way to soothe the pain of UTI disease.

  • Frequent urge to urinate

If your cat makes more frequent trips to their litter box, this indicates that UTI may be present. What could be the reason behind this? It happens because your cat can’t empty its bladder completely. And as a result, if you pay close attention, you will realize that it releases a small amount of urine.

  • If there’s blood in the urine or any strange color

The amount of blood may be so small; therefore, finding it out maybe be a challenge when scooping out the litter box. Therefore, you will need to visit the litter box whenever your cat uses it. Apart from that, you may also find the urine releasing an abnormal smell.

  • Your cat may also change its behavior

Some cats will display signs of anxiety such as hiding. However, don’t run to conclude if you observe this but instead check on the other symptoms since different stress factors might bring behavioral change.


How to Prevent Cat UTI?

how can i treat my cats uti at home

As we all know, it is crucial to prevent than cure any disease; therefore, as a cat owner, there’s a need to equip yourself with UTI prevention skills. However, it doesn’t require much but just some simple ways that can help you prevent UTIs in your cat. So, how should you go about it?

  • Be sure to provide clean water every day

A cat has a high chance of developing bladder problems is greatly increased when he or she is not drinking enough water. When a cat drinks clean water, it helps regulate the urine’s pH, and, on the other hand, it helps clean the urinary tract.

  • Ensure that the litter box is clean

Cleaning your cat’s litter box frequently will protect your cat from contaminating themselves with bacteria. Therefore, ensure that your cat is exposed to less urinary and fecal.

  • Don’t stress your cat or get rid of any cause of stress to your cat

I know you are asking yourself about the relationship between stress and UTI. Therefore, stress usually triggers the hormone level to rise, which can cause an imbalance in the pH level of your cat’s bladder. As a result, it can cause an infection.

  • Provide enough litter boxes

Avoid using one or few litter boxes for multiple cats. Generally, you should provide a litter box for every cat plus one extra. This will not only help eliminate UTI but other diseases.

  • Work on specific diets

Generally, there are recommended diets by vets to help improve the urinary tract’s health. Therefore, we advise you to visit your vet to help you in diet selection and to put it into action.


At-home Remedies to Help Your Cat Get over UTI

how can i treat my cats uti at home

As much as we recommend you to visit a vet when your cat is having trouble when urinating, some home remedies can help you alleviate the UTI or any other urinary problem. Therefore, here are at-home remedies that you need to know to keep your cat happy and free from urinary infections.

  • Marshmallow Root

If there’s an inflammation in the urinary tract, Marshmallow root will help attack the bacteria and improve the immune system. Similarly, it helps reduce irritation.

  • Cranberries

These are the most preferred home remedy for treating UTI. But you need to note that they may have more sugars; therefore, it should be regulated. Seek advice from the vet on the best cranberry after examining the pH in the urine.

  • Juniper berry

Juniper berry helps in soothing the bladder of your cat as it cleanses the kidneys, making it good for treating UTI. Similarly, juniper berry eliminates the bacteria and fungi that are antibiotic-resistant.

  • Parsley leaf

it is a natural diuretic that can help in eliminating waste. Apart from that, it has antiseptic qualities that play an important role in treating UTI.

  • Uva Ursi

holistic vets use this leaf to attack the pathogens that usually cause UTIs. It also reduces the inflammation and bleeding resulting from the infections.


How Can I Treat My Cat’s UTI Naturally?

how can i treat my cats uti at home

Instead of addressing the problem with antibiotics, natural remedies are effective in treating the infection. I like natural treatment because you won’t spend a lot, unlike when you see a vet. However, there are many natural herbs and roots that you can comfortably use to treat UTI naturally.

Therefore, with bone broth, marshmallow root, and parsley. You can add bone broth to the diet of your cat. To achieve this, mix some marshmallow root and parsley as bone broth cooks, then strain it out later. You also need to ensure that your cat has plenty of water and reduces the stress your cat may be facing.


When to See the Vet?

how can i treat my cats uti at home

Having talked of at-home remedies and natural treatment of UTI, they are only applicable when getting rid of minor infections.

However, when your cat shows serious infections, usually infections that don’t show any sign of improvement when you use at-home remedies or natural treatment, you will need to see a vet immediately.

Similarly, if your cat cannot urinate or in pain, rush him or her to the vet; it can lead to death. Professional treatment will be necessary for such conditions, and antibiotics may be prescribed to wipe out harmful bacteria.



1. Can urinary tract infections in cats go away on their own?

Generally, determining whether the UTIs can go on their own depends on the level of infection. If the condition hasn’t become serious, then if you apply the remedies that we have gone through, I can guarantee that the infections will go away on their own. However, if the urinary tract infections have worsened, it won’t go away independently; the only medication can chop them off.

2. How long does it take for the UTI to go away in a cat?

This depends on the underlying cause of the UTI. But cats whose case isn’t serious will start to show improvement within 2-4 days of treatment. However, most cat owners have raised concerns about their cats despite using antibiotics; there’s still no improvement. There might be a result of an infection that is resistant to antibiotics. Consequently, some may take more than seven days, depending on the treatment procedures.

3. Can I give my cat cranberry juice for a UTI?

Cranberries actually play an important role in UTI treatment as it helps lower the pH of your cat’s urine hence can treat a UTI and prevent it from coming back. Although some cranberry juices are high in sugars, you may need to be cautious, especially if your cat has some existing health conditions.

However, don’t just give cranberry juice to your cat, but first, you must test the urine’s pH levels to determine whether you will need the juice or not since it might worsen the condition, thinking that you are solving the problem.

4. What is the fastest home remedy for UTI?

Cranberries are the fastest home remedy for UTI, and their impact can easily be noted. You can add cranberry juice to the drinking water or food. Similarly, choose a non-sweetened natural juice, and you will be amazed by its response. You can also add dried cranberries to the diet.

5. Can a cat get UTI from a dirty litter box?

Yes, a dirty litter box may cause bacteria buildup in the box and stress to your cats. As we have said, stress is a contributing factor to UTI; a dirty litter box will make your cat uncomfortable, resulting in stress. Similarly, when the litter box is unclean, a female cat may get feces or litter into the vulva area, leading to the infection.

6. How much does it cost to cure a cat UTI?

The cost of treating UTI depends on various factors. However, we explain to you in detail so that you can know how much you may spend. Generally, we will include office visitation, urinalysis, medication, and follow up analysis. But you should note that the cost varies depending on the level of infection as it can be rooted or not.

A vet will run a urinalysis for a cat at the initial stages of UTI infection and gives you antibiotics if needed. From that, you may spend up to $150 for both antibiotics and the tests. However, if the condition has worsened, you may spend up to $700 depending on the medication procedures employed.



As a cat owner, understanding the urogenital system of cats and the urinary tract infections will help you deal with any urinary problem that your cat might suffer from. We also advise that you keep visiting your vet regularly and be observant to note any strange behaviors of your cat. All these will keep the cat healthy and happy.