How to Clean Non-Clumping Cat Litter?

how to clean non clumping cat litterCat litter is an important tool for cat care. Litter makes it possible for pet owners to control their cat’s waste. Otherwise, these little furry creatures will probably use the bathroom all over their house or all over their lawn. No cat owner wants to deal with that kind of a mess. So, here is some vital information about how to clean the non-clumping cat litter. We’ll also explain the difference between clumping and non-clumping cat litter varieties.

What is Non-clumping Cat Litter?

If you are a new cat owner and you probably will get confused about the different types of cat litters available for use. There are two basic types of cat litters.

Clumping cat litter

One type is known as clumping cat litter. As the name implies, the litter is designed to clump feces and urine together. This kind of litter uses a substance called bentonite clay and it also uses sodium.

Bentonite and sodium suck up the urine and cause it to clump into the clay. This type of litter is quick to clean and is less of a hassle for cats. However, it is more expensive to purchase and some cats end up eating the clumps. This of course is not good for felines because they can get sick from eating their own feces. It does happen more often than you would believe. Still, it a great alternative for people who don’t like the hassle of frequently changing their cat’s litter boxes.

Choose the best clumping cat litter to absorb urine 

Non-clumping cat litter

Non-clumping kitty litter focuses more on odor absorbent.

This style of kitty litter also has other materials such as charcoal and baking soda which helps with this process. Cats also like this type of litter because they can move it a lot easier than the clumping variety. Remember, cats love to kick the litter around after they use the bathroom. This is a natural instinct that carried over from the time when they were out in the wild. Don’t forget that cats roamed the earth as wild creatures before they were domesticated by men.

Non-clumping litter is made out of different materials.

Wood, pine, corn and even beet pulp can be used for this product. Since so many different types of materials can be used for non-clumping litter, it is cheaper to purchase. Non-clumping litter is also the first variety of cat litter ever created. The main thing to remember is that non-clumping litter masks the odor and makes it easier for cats to exercise their natural waste removing instincts.

Top picked non-clumping cat litter for environmental friendly

How Often Should You Change Your Cat’s Litter?

how hard is it to clump cat litter

You should change your cat’s litter at least 2 times a week. This is a base rule for keeping litter boxes clean. Some veterinarians and professional cat care experts tell people they should change the litter based on their cat’s bathroom habits. The best way to figure out how to change your cat’s litter is by examining their waste cycle. You can then adjust your cleaning schedule according to what you discover.

If you have 2 cats, you should change their litter at least 3 times a week. Again, you will have to observe how often they use the bathroom. If you notice that your cats use the bathroom a lot, you might have to change their box more frequently.

Cat owners, if you have 3 or more cats – you must purchase an extra litter box. This is important for your cat’s health and your home’s well-being. Cats can use the bathroom a lot and you don’t want to have one box filled up with waste material from 3 cats. This will eventually become a hassle for you and you will not like doing this every day.

If you have 4 or more cats, you’re going to have to change the kitty litter at least 4 times a week, every other day, or once a day. Keep in mind, the more cats you have the more you will need to change the litter. Most people have only 1 – 2 cats. However, if you are a pet owner that likes having lots of felines around, make sure you’re changing their boxes frequently and keeping fresh litter supplied.

How to Clean Non-Clumping Kitty Litter

  • Make sure you have enough litter boxes for the number of cats you have. This will keep your job easy and manageable.
  • Next, put on a pair of plastic gloves to keep feces and other waste materials off your hands.
  • The next thing you need is a kitty litter scoop. Kitty litter scoops have holes or are grated so that the litter flows through the device.
  • You can start to clean out the litter with the scoop.

non-clumping cat litters

Here is something you should know about cleaning non-clumping litter. Since the substance doesn’t clump, it will be hard to get rid of your cat’s mess. Also, the non-clumping litter will probably be ruined since the feces and urine are not absorbed. Many non-clumping litter boxes often have urine pooled up at the bottom of the box. If this is the case, then your kitty litter scoop will be useless. Still, keep one on hand to get rid of feces.

If you can’t get rid of the waste because it does not clump; you’re going to have to dump the litter box. This is where it will get costly for you to use non-clumping cat litter. You might end up wasting more litter because you will have to frequently dump the whole box to keep it clean.

Once you dump the box, scrape out any leftover mess. Take the box and wash it out with hot water and soap. You can then use a disinfectant to get rid of any leftover germs or smells.

Refill litter box to about 3 inches.

Make sure you’re using a garbage can that is only for your kitty litter. Change this waste can often.

The main thing to remember about non-clumping litter is that it will hide odors but will be harder to clean up. This style of kitty litter is less expensive than the clumping variety, but it can be more work to maintain. Non-clumping litter is a great choice for people with 1 – 2 cats who have the time to clean up after their feline friends.

Top 3 Best Non-clumping Cat Litters For Fast Pick